My piano has never been so even in terms of the tone and relative volumes of its 88 notes — after he finished, it seemed as if I was playing a different, and far better, piano.

I have a 1939 Baldwin E 5’8″ grand piano, and had chronic problems with having it stay in tune. Christopher first addressed the problem with a dehumidifier that is fitted to the piano to stabilize its environment. He then carefully and decisively went through the piano, correcting various issues – leaky dampers, harsh notes, and the like. My piano has never been so even in terms of the tone and relative volumes of its 88 notes — after he finished, it seemed as if I was playing a different, and far better, piano.


It’s been close to three months now, and things are still stable. If you care about your piano and need help from someone who really knows what he’s doing, give Christopher a call!

